신체인지 XR 재활 프로그램 TiU(티유)- 라이징크래프트

And it can review the performance data
with rehabilitation records

The conception of AI - based
cognitive XR virtualization therapy, TiU

TiU supplies patient-personalized content
utilizing the rendition data research

And it can review the performance data
with rehabilitation records

The conception of AI - based
cognitive XR virtualization therapy, TiU

We strive the XR medical business
that enriches the usefulness of the therapy

We will be XR medical company that aspires to maximize the 'utility' of 'technology' to improve the result of therapy and provide harmony of mind

Cognitive-Based XR therapy
Cognitive-Based XR therapy to reduce aftereffects of
chronic pain, paralysis, and fracture patients


Risingcraft's new XR therapy for chronic pain, paralysis, and fracture patients
Come and Experience TiU right now!


Restoration Content

Monitoring Platform


We suggest a reasonable restoration therapy to medical staffs and patients

Immersive restoration therapy
utilizing VR devices

Monitoring patient's
record data

Meet TiU and see how you've changed,

your infinite potential


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XR Restoration therapy for chronic pain, paralysis, and fracture patients